As some of you might already know I am gearing up for a 2 month sabbatical. I will be working on a writing project as part of this sabbatical. I have created two surveys to help me with this project. I would invite you, if you are reading this blog, to click on the links below and fill them out! Your help is much appreciated. If you are a member of my congregation and you read this blog, if I try to give you a paper copy of these same surveys and you HONESTLY have already filled them out online, just tell me and I won't "make" you fill them out again! Either way, I ask that you fill out the surveys with an open mind and an open heart, allowing yourself to reflect on your current worship practices.
It is my hope, from these surveys, to create a worship resource for individuals and families to grow in their spiritual life. This resource will have common and perhaps uncommon spiritual practices that will encourage you to grow in your prayer and worship life. I hope this resource will be of great use to many in the congregation as well as others in our region. I have applied for a grant through Disciples Together and in order to do so a new ministry or a collective Disciples Together ministry must be created. It is my belief that helping to enhance the spiritual and prayer practices of this congregation as well as other congregations in the region can only empower us to live more boldly for Christ in the world.
Worship Survey 2
It is my hope, from these surveys, to create a worship resource for individuals and families to grow in their spiritual life. This resource will have common and perhaps uncommon spiritual practices that will encourage you to grow in your prayer and worship life. I hope this resource will be of great use to many in the congregation as well as others in our region. I have applied for a grant through Disciples Together and in order to do so a new ministry or a collective Disciples Together ministry must be created. It is my belief that helping to enhance the spiritual and prayer practices of this congregation as well as other congregations in the region can only empower us to live more boldly for Christ in the world.
Also, I would like everyone to know where I am while I am on sabbatical. I hope you will find the following itinerary useful as I ask you prayers while I am in various stages of being away from you on sabbatical.
July 19– Last Sunday in worship
July 23– Last day in the office
July 25-31– Vacation with family
August 1– Sabbatical officially begins. You can follow my journey at my blog
August 11– September 2– St Mary By the Sea
11-19 Volunteering
20-27 Retreat: Deepening Our Consciousness That All Is One. This retreat invites us to expand our awareness of how the beauty of nature heals, to explore the effects of art on consciousness, and to experience the impact of our daily choices for life.
28– Sept 2 Volunteering
September 11-13 Keynote Speaker West Virginia Disciples Women’s Spiritual Life Retreat
September 20-24 Closing Retreat at Grey Goose Inn, Moravia Iowa
October 1-3– Vacation days to “reenter the world”’ll likely see me at the grocery store!
Sunday October 4– Back in worship!
I hope to have a couple fellowship events to share about my experience and the forthcoming worship resource the dates and times have not been set for these yet.
The printed worship/prayer resource will be available to anyone who would like a copy in early January 2016.
I will also be spending some much needed time visiting with family and friends on the East coast that I don't get to see very often!
I am beyond thankful for this opportunity. After 10 years in congregational ministry I look forward to a time of rest, renewal, and reenergizing so that I can return to my congregation ready to serve along side them wherever God leads us next!
I will be posting here, in the days leading up to my sabbatical. I will also be posting regularly during my sabbatical to give updates on my progress with and glimpses into the prayer resource.
Take a few moments and fill out these two surveys! Thank you- Andrea
Worship Survey 1Worship Survey 2
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