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Theological Thursday- What Does It Mean?

What does it mean to be a theologian? Being a theologian is part of being a Christian. Don’t let that frighten you. Before I started seminary Lexington Theological Seminary sent me a book, How to Think Theologically. Every incoming student was supposed to read it before arriving on campus for orientation. If I remember correctly some parts of this book were easier to read and understand than others. Within the ten page introduction of this book the authors outline basic thoughts about theology, the church, and the Christian faith.

What has stuck with me from this book is that no matter who you are, clergy, lay person, someone new to the faith, someone who can’t even remember how long they have believed, this book reassures even the most doubtful among us that you- yes even you are a theologian. Like I said before don’t be frightened by that thought, but empowered that you are able to hold such an advantageous title! To be a theologian you do not have to develop a theory about the incarnation of Christ, you do not have to have written countless (somewhat) mind-numbing books on the subject, and you do not have an array of letters before or after your name. No- to be a theologian, someone who thinks theologically, you have to be someone who is willing to actively seek to understand your faith as it applies to daily living.

It would be nice if there was one definition of theology, “unfortunately there is no universally accepted definition…it comes to us as a compound word from ancient Greek…” I won’t bore you with that (come borrow the book from my office or find it online)! Theology in very broad terms “is typically expanded to embrace the totality of things having to do with religious life…faith, church, ministry… [and also] has to do with the function of statements about God in Christianity.”

As people of God and followers of Jesus Christ our understanding about how we actively live out our faith is an ongoing process. From the time we outwardly proclaim our faith as our own, we accept the responsibility to actively seek more understanding of who God is and how God is working in our world and also share that witness to others. This should be easy and it would be if we were the only one striving to do this kind of thinking and living. But we all know that every now and then we meet someone who has a different idea of what it means to actively seek to understand his or her faith.

In a society where people have a difference of opinion on everything from the best toilet paper brand to who the next President should be, how can we seek to understand our faith in ways that help proclaim the gospel of Christ? (glad you asked) Sometimes the best we can do is, in the words of mothers and teachers around the country “worry about you before you worry about them”. In other words seek out for yourself places and people who help you understand and grow in your faith so when you find yourself with someone who understands it differently, you’ll know where you stand.

Try it today- actively seek to understand your faith as it applies to daily living in your world. I don’t have the answers but I would be glad to wrestle with deep questions with you, as I too seek to understand my faith today and into the future.

Until next time-

Stone, Howard W. How to Think Theologically, 1996, Augsburg Fortress Minneapolis, MN.


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