After a
long conversation with a friend and colleague in ministry I had the revelation
that I am the only thing stopping me from blogging on a more regular basis. I
am the one who comes up with reasons why I don’t have time, energy, or ideas to
write about. When I think about it, none of those things
are true. I have time -- I just find
other things to do, like waste time on Facebook; I have the energy -- I just
expend it on other things, like reorganizing the piles of papers on my desk; and
I have ideas -- I just always seem to convince myself that no one else would
want to read them.
This is
why it is good to have friends! They are able to convince you, when you
start down the "woe is me" path that no one cares what you have to
say, that you are only holding yourself back. They remind you that
if you only have conversations with yourself you will never know if others
agree with you. They share with you times when your insight and ideas have
changed them for the better.
often uncensored, constantly connected, continually streaming information is
the way of life for many of us. People --all kinds of people -- have
thoughts to share: they type them out, hit enter, and BAM!!! there they are in
black and white. Too often though, these thoughts appear with very little
thought put into how to best communicate them and with too little effort to
check spelling and grammar.
I think
that is why I have been so
sporadic and haphazard with my blogging. I know that I want to share my
thoughts with anyone who wants to read them, but I wasn’t ready to have those
thoughts commented on by others because I knew that they could never be taken
back. Now however, after some deeper thinking and conversations
with several people about what to do, I am ready. I have discovered that all it takes to put your thoughts out there
for the world to read is thick skin, the ability to formulate your thoughts
into coherent sentences, a little organization and -- yes, the dreaded “s” word…
schedule. I have created some organization and a schedule that will help
me share my thoughts, prayers, concerns, joys, and random
- Sunday- A prayer for the week
- Tuesday- Food for Thought
- Thursday- Theological Thursday’s (I will post on something
theological- a term, a concept, a theologian, etc.- I would be glad for
suggestions as well.)
I am putting this schedule out there so that
readers will hold me accountable by sending me email or commenting on a
previous post if I am not living up to this commitment.
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