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When I
was a student at Mount Union College in Alliance, Ohio I was a Resident
Assistant. Every year during our fall training we would be given countless
pieces of paper and other resources with ideas and suggestions on how to help
the students in our building become the best students they could be during
their time at MUC. During training my junior year we were given resources that
focused was self-care, priorities, and life-skills popular college campus
topics. One of the resources we received was a teal colored piece of paper; on
the top of the paper in big bold letters it says “HOW TO BE HAPPY”. The rest of
the page consists of 16 bullet points of ideas on how to achieve this
happiness. Well really 15 and 1 blank space for you to add your own idea. When
you read this list it can be over whelming. Some of the ideas are not easy for
example one I found difficult then and continue to struggle with now is
“develop a life purpose; give back to our world”. WOW if I had to check that
off my list of things to do every day I am not sure I could do it. If you think
about happiness only in regard to checking things off a list, you could wear
yourself out before you decide you have reached happiness.
so often, even years after that particular training, I pull out this list and I
focus on one bullet point for a period of time. That is what I would like to offer
to you today. One thought that might help make you a little happier, even if it
is only for the day. “Practice being satisfied with what you have”! You
will notice it doesn't say, ‘be happy’ with what you have, but ‘be satisfied’.
If you are a word person you might know that happy and satisfied as well as
content, pleased, fulfilled, and many other words are all synonyms. We use
words like happy, content, fulfilled to share our feelings about different life
circumstances and situations. You know the feeling, the one that tells you all
is right with the world, even if only for a moment. Being satisfied doesn’t
mean that you won’t eventually begin to yearn for something new or different.
Being satisfied doesn’t mean that you won’t ever change your mind about what satisfies
you. Being satisfied means-taking a look at the whole of your life, everything
from your family, friends and home to your career, hobbies and finances and
saying “all is well, at least today.” Here it is your FOOD FOR THOUGHT
We can’t imagine happiness into our past,
we can’t wish it into our future, we can simply look at the present and
“practice being satisfied with what we have”.
If you
have a “food for thought” topic you would like me to write about please let me
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