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Showing posts from 2011

The Computer is Frozen…The Spirit Moved On...If Only

Yesterday afternoon I was in the middle of fleshing out a great blog idea. In the midst of my typing frenzy I didn’t pay attention that my fingers were typing faster than the words were appearing on the screen. It didn’t faze me at all, apparently that my thoughts were not being put on the page; my fingers were moving, the thoughts were flowing, but nothing was happening on the screen. When I realized what was happening, instead of picking up a pen and continuing with my thoughts on paper, I tried frantically to “unfreeze” my computer by hitting everything from the escape button to ctrl/alt/del. Nothing worked. Finally I pulled the plug- knowing that nothing from the past ten minutes had been recorded OR saved but praying all the same that it would appear when the document was reopened. I turned the computer back on, opened the document, and then shook my head because what I had thought would be true was…just the opening statement remained. I sat and stared at the screen ...

Who Are You?

I know it is inevitable that before the end of this month (if not already) there will be Christmas items in every store across the country and around the world. This upcoming season is my favorite and least favorite. It is my favorite because without the birth of Christ, it is virtually impossible to preach His gospel (so it is my favorite because without this part of the story we can’t get to the other part of the story-which is an entirely different blog)! It is my least favorite because so many have left Jesus in the manger as part of a pretty picture and not taken him into the rest of this Holy Day. I know I have blogged about this before- read last year’s blog posted "Grinch or Gospel" . Too often I think we lack the courage and conviction to stand up for who we are as children of God. Courage by definition is “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.” Before we even enter into the “Hectic Hol...

Changing of the Seasons

"I don't like this cold..." SERIOUSLY not even two weeks ago some of the same people who are saying this were more recently saying "I can't stand this heat, I wish it was cooler." You got your wish, quit complaining!  Why is it we are never happy in the moment? It is too hot, too cold, too boring, too silly, too dry, too wet, too overwhelming, not overwhelming enough...the list continues. As I sit in my office this afternoon, reflecting on the past few week's events (funerals, Sunday school starting, children and youth activities starting, countless meetings, and moments(very few moments) of silence) I hear in the back of my mind a voice not my own reciting the beginning of Ecclesiastes 3     1  For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:  2  a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;  3  a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break do...

10 Years Ago

10 years ago I was just beginning my second year of college; I was contemplating the change from a major in music education to religious studies with a pre-ministerial focus. On this particular day(September 11, 2011) however, I was taking my friend Juli Tilger to physical therapy for her shoulder. When we go to the center, not much therapy took place, unless you count hugging strangers as therapy...different kind of therapy than she was actually there for. Not too many weeks later Marty CashBurless helped me make the final decision to change my major to religious studies. Without even realizing it, I think, the events of 9.11.01 influenced my final decision more than I realized at the time. More than I can even imagine now. To serve in a vocation that calls me EVERYDAY to love my neighbor, to forgive 7 time 70, to turn the other cheek, to follow always in the footsteps of challenging, frustrating, rewarding, and life giving. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right ...

Community Good Friday Service 4.22.2011

I have received several emails from community members sharing with me the profound meaning the Good Friday service and the words of my meditation had on them or someone they know(because they were unable to attend). It is a joy in ministry to hear that something you preached has impacted someone. The Community Good Friday Service sponsored by the Oskaloosa Area Association of Churches (OAAC). IT was held at St. Paul's Congregational United Church of Christ. Following the opening prayer and singing of "Were You There?" We heard the 7 last words of Christ. They were interspersed with responsive reading, silent prayer, and meditative singing. After the final words "Father, into your hand I commend my spirit." the community choir offered an anthem. As one of the newest clergy in Oskaloosa, I was charged with the task of giving the meditation for this service. A stressful honor- how would I offer hope through the words of the cross, how would I share with others ...

Are You Excited for the Long Weekend?

“Do you have big plans for this holiday weekend?” I was asked as I stood in the check out line at the grocery store earlier this week. Before I could answer the person asking me the question started telling me what they had planned for this “long weekend”. First it starts; “I’m so excited to not have to go to work on Friday I’m not going to do anything Friday-sleep in, lounge around, do you have to work Friday? Saturday I’m not sure what I will do but probably finishes getting things ready for my kids Easter baskets and if it doesn’t rain maybe an egg hunt. Sunday I have my whole family coming over about 11:30 for lunch and we will probably eat more than we should. I am glad I get Monday off too so I can recover.” She takes a breath, “Do you have plans?” she asks me again. Prime opportunity-we sometimes pray for these moments. “Please God give me the opportunity to share my faith.” We don’t ever think it will happen. God can’t use me, we think to ourselves. Here was my opportunity, thi...

Good Friday Reflection

I am deeply rooted in the Campbell side of the Stone-Campbell movement that has flourished into the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). However, I have a firm grasp on the Stone side of the movement as well. I do not always agree with Barton Stone’s theology, I do not always agree with Campbell’s either. While preparing for the community Good Friday service, I came across these words from Barton Stone. “Behold the Love, the Grace of God” Behold the love, the grace of God, displayed in Jesus’ blood; my soul’s on fire, it yearns to prove the fullness of redeeming love. The cross I view—O wondrous love! My sins expire, my fears remove; my native enmity is slain. I’m reconciled—I’m born again. Our God is love—O, leap, my soul! Let warm hosannas gently roll! Love gave a Son to save our race, and   Jesus died through sov’reign grace! What love has done, sing earth around! Angels prolong the eternal sound! Lo, Jesus bleeding on the tree! There, there, the love of God I see!  ...

This Season

Yesterday (Ash Wednesday) marked the beginning of Lent, a season that calls us to return again to God. It is a season that bids us seek repentance from our sinful nature.   Lent is a season that begs us to grow in our faith. The 40 days of Lent are a season of searching the depths of our spirit and soul to mend the brokenness in our relationships; with one another and with God. This Season, Mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion, and replace it with trust. Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed. Keep a promise. Find the time. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize if you were wrong. Try to understand. Flout envy. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Appreciate. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little. Laugh a little more. Deserve confidence. Take up arms against malice. Decry complacency. Express your gratitude. Say a prayer. Welcome a stranger. G...

Re-Start Your Engine!!

No this is not a tribute to NASCAR Racing, which I know started the beginning of February sometime but I still can’t get into. (That is another blog for another time I suppose!) Have you ever gotten in your vehicle, turned the key, and have NOTHING happen? When I say NOTHING I mean-NOTHING- no turn over, no clicking, NOTHING!   I guess it happens (even with routine maintenance) that the starter stops working! When the starter doesn’t work-nothing else does either. Here are a few questions for you to ponder- Is the “starter” out in your faith? Does it seem like you can never figure out what is wrong or why things happen the way they do? Do you want to scream “How can this be happening?” more than “Thank you God for the blessings in my life!!”? Do you want to start your spiritual engine (so to speak)? ************************ If you answered yes to any of these questions, I can’t promise quick fixes or miracle cures but I can offer the following reflection from my own life when I ...

Update Your "To Do" List!

Do you have a daily “to do” list. This list is probably full of mundane tasks or high priority projects; it probably weighs over your head like a dreary rain cloud or maybe it is a security blanket reassuring you that you have done what needs to be done. Does your list look like this? Choose work that is in harmony with your values. Be forgiving of yourself and others Don’t take good health for granted Don’t write down anything you don’t want someone else to read Never tell anybody they can’t sing Learn three clean jokes Never deny anyone the opportunity to do something nice for you Never be too busy to meet someone new Never refuse homemade brownies Surprise an old friend with a phone call Sing in the shower If you borrow something more than twice, buy one for yourself Slow dance Compliment three people every day Look people in the eye Or does it look more like this? Make coffee Shower/get ready Make the bed Go to work Work stuff Work stuff More work stuff Gro...

Missing In Action

I know you haven't heard from me since Christmas Eve, I promise I am not missing in action. I am missing my inspiration. I sense that it is on its way back! Keep an eye out- I will post again soon! Blessings, Andrea