I am deeply rooted in the Campbell side of the Stone-Campbell movement that has flourished into the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). However, I have a firm grasp on the Stone side of the movement as well. I do not always agree with Barton Stone’s theology, I do not always agree with Campbell’s either. While preparing for the community Good Friday service, I came across these words from Barton Stone.
“Behold the Love, the Grace of God”
Behold the love, the grace of God,
displayed in Jesus’ blood;
my soul’s on fire, it yearns to prove
the fullness of redeeming love.
The cross I view—O wondrous love!
My sins expire, my fears remove;
my native enmity is slain.
I’m reconciled—I’m born again.
Our God is love—O, leap, my soul!
Let warm hosannas gently roll!
Love gave a Son to save our race,
and Jesus died through sov’reign grace!
What love has done, sing earth around!
Angels prolong the eternal sound!
Lo, Jesus bleeding on the tree!
There, there, the love of God I see!
Barton W. Stone, 19th –century Disciples forebear (Chalice Hymnal #205)
In the cross of Christ we see the love of God. In Christ’s willingness to stay the course, to follow the plan to say “Not my will but Yours”.
Today is Good Friday- a day like no other day.
A day where two worlds (good and evil) collide and it seems all hope is lost. But wait...it is call Good for a reason! I pray you feel God's blessing upon you these final steps to the cross. Remember-God's love is redeeming you now and always. Await and watch-Christ will come again!
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