picture from churchart.com Our best intentions sometimes leave us tired, worn out, and struggling to make everything “happen”. We intend to do this or do that, we make promises and then…it happens. LIFE, life happens and some of the promises and commitments we make fall further and further down on our “to do” list. We only do the essential, enough to get by and still feel like we have done something. It might not happen often but when it does it frustrates us, discourages us, and downright puts us in a mood that isn't pleasant for anyone. We live in a world of over commitment and little follow through. I (even on my best day) can attest to being very over committed to “stuff” and can sometimes do the minimum to “make it work”. If we are aware of this behavior, how is it we continue to fall prey to its vicious cycle? How do we get out of it? How to we stop over committing and therefore falling behind and still feel like we aren't lazy, worthless, or unimpo...
Faith can be a scary adventure. We must be willing to get our feet wet and our hands dirty! Braving the waters of baptism and ministry isn't something you can do with one foot on the shore!