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St. Marry by the Sea

I arrived at St. Mary Tuesday afternoon after an uneventful adventure on the train and overnight stay in Atlantic City. I was greeted by Sister Pat, she helped me figure out what room I had been assigned, got me my linens, and apologized several times that the elevator was out of service. Luckily for me, I brought my camping backpack and it was only two flights of stairs. My room is on the East(ocean) side of the house. Nice breeze, beautiful view of the statue of Mary from my window and from the porch the ocean.
My room for the next 3 weeks
Welcome Sign

From the porch

From my bedroom window

I had some time to settle in and walk around the point before the volunteer meeting. Because my family has spent many summers at this beach it feels in a way like coming home. I don’t feel anxious about meeting the other volunteers or Sisters. We opened our meeting with prayer and laughter, as you know those are two of my favorite things. I knew from that moment this was going to be a great experience and so far it has been.

I have been assigned to the dish washing and bathroom cleaning crew for the week. Thanks to the help of many church ladies (and a couple of men) my knowledge of industrial dishwashers has come in handy and one sister even said “I bet if you wanted they’d keep you here full time…but I bet your other calling pays better!” I have enjoyed being part of the daily chapel/liturgy, the Sisters who are here this week have welcomed me in, have explained their traditions and asked me about mine.
The daily routine this week has been:
6:30 Wake up
7:00 Yoga on the beach (surprisingly I have been alone in this venture even though I have offered to show others some easy poses)
8:00 Morning Chapel followed by breakfast
9-10:30 dishes and bathroom clean up
10:45- 11:30 Reading/Rest
11:45-1:15 Lunch, dishes, kitchen clean up
1:30-5  Free time(reading, beach, etc.)
5:30 Dinner and clean up
6:30- morning    Free Time

This schedule will change next week when my retreat begins. I have used my free time to rest, read, and reflect. It is peaceful here. While sitting on the porch one evening listening to the ocean and the crickets it was like listening to a perfect symphony created for anyone who was willing to slow down and listen.

Week Three (At St. Mary by the See)

Hope for the week: I hope by recreating my “daily routine” I continue to grow in my daily practice of spending time with God while on the yoga mat.

Is there an Answer (last week’s question): How will I be surprised by the Holy Spirit this week?
I am surprised daily by the Holy Spirit but one moment in particular sticks out for me this week. During Wednesday morning chapel I was praying about how “involved” I should be in the chapel service, just at that moment a beautiful soft breeze came through the window and I felt God say, “As involved as you want to be.” I have been offered God’s grace at the table, I have been shown mercy when I don’t know all the words to the prayers, yet the Holy Spirit brings us together and calls us out to share the grace, mercy and love we experience together in this place. Together one body of Christ the ones whom God has filled with a fire to “keep the ground game going” as the presiding Father said earlier this week. It is up to us, working together for the good of God’s creation. The Holy Spirit surprised me this week by relighting a fire in my soul I didn’t realize had gone out.

Question of the Week: What will I learn this week from Christians (primarily Catholics) that will enhance my faith and how I understand my own spiritual practice?

Thought for the week: There is a lot to be said about living “in community”. I wish the Christian Church (DOC) did more of this. I know NBA and other arms of the general church have had and continue to have pilot programs for community living. I will be doing more praying and discerning on what it means and what it looks like to live “in community” and how it might be done in other places outside the Catholic religious orders.

I invite you to join me daily in the Prayer for the week: Mighty God when I feel like I might be carried away by the changing tides of life, remind me that you control the ocean. Merciful God when I feel like the work you have called me to is too much, remind me that I live in community (even if I’m away for the moment) that supports the work you have called me to do. Holy God when the fire you placed in my soul has dimmed, especially if I haven’t realized it, ignite the flame that I might serve you and your creation to its fullest. God of the ocean, God of the fire, God of creation hear my prayer. Amen.

I pray each of you continue to seek God's path, receive God's love and know God's grace. With each sunset know that we will be together again soon!
Sunset August 14, 2015 Cape May Point, NJ


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