Good morning!
It is not a secret that I am not exactly a morning person. I can get up in the morning and function it just takes me a little while to "be awake". There are a few things and a few times of year that are the "exception to the rule".
-Any week that I am counselling or directing camp
-Any time I am in WV/Pa visiting family and friends
-Hospital or other morning visits with church members
Recently I added meeting a friend for a morning walk 2-3 times a week.
Today I am adding another.
In September my spiritual direction certification classes started. Our entire scheduled was changed because of COVID and not being able to gather in the same space. So we met online and began to get to know each other. It is not easy to get to know people in this way, but it is slowly happening. Even though we didn't get to spend a concentrated week together, we are still connected. This group meetings monthly. early in the morning, on zoom. My Spiritual Direction Cohort, is a mix of clergy, laity, ordained, commissioned individuals beautiful and unique in so many way but above all children of God. Some people would be uncomfortable sitting mostly in silence in front of their computer for 45 minutes with a group of people they have never met in person, but from the beginning it has not been that way, at least for me, with this group.
We spent a few minutes catching up but today's main purpose was to practice Simple Presence together. After hearing Psalm 90 read from one of our instructors, we spent 20 minutes in silence and quiet reflection. Then we shared what we heard in our time of listening.
This is what I heard in our time of listening-
"reflect courage"
Over the past several months I have not always known what to say or what to do. I don't know if the decisions I have made have been the correct ones. I hope no one has been harmed by my decisions, but I am aware that they could have been. These words "reflect courage" kept surfacing for me this morning as a reminder that in the midst of 2020- a pandemic and economical, societal and political uncertainty, being one who reflects courage is not an easy place to be. Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the act of continuing on in the face of grief, pain, fear, or uncertainty. I hope that I have reflected courage not as a "don't be afraid of all the things happening" but rather as a reflection of God's presence and light in the midst of darkness, a reminder that even in the hardest of times and the seemingly darkest of valleys God is the force that allows us to live courageously but also to reflect to others their own ability to have courage in these moments of fear, pain, grief and uncertainty.
Like I said, over that past several months I have not always known what to say or do, but I hope I have reflected God's courage in the midst of my own uncertainty.
I invite you to spend some time with this Psalm over the next few days. You don't have to spend 20 minutes in silence, just try 5 to start. What do you hear God saying to you in this prayer from the Psalmist?
Psalm 90 (as found in "Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness" by Nan C. Merrill)
"Eternal and Immortal One, You have been
our refuge in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
before You had formed the earth and
the world, from
everlasting to everlasting,
You are the Alpha and the Omega.
When our days on Earth are ended,
You welcome us home to your Heart,
to the City of Light,
where time is eternal
and days are not numbered.
You gather those who love You as
friends returning from a long
giving rest to their souls.
You anoint them with the balm of
healing wounds of the past.
For our days on Earth are a mystery,
a searching for You,
a yearning for the great Mystery
to make itself known.
The years pass and soon the
Harvest is at hand,
a time to reap the fruit of
one's life.
Who has with integrity?
Who will reflect the Light
Who can bear the radiant beams
of Love?
Who have reverenced the Counselor,
and opened their hearts to the
Spirit of Truth?
Teach us, O Beloved, to honor each day
that we may have a heart
of wisdom.
Awaken us, O Holy One! Too long
have we been asleep!
Have mercy on your people!
Help us to wait in Silence listening
for your gentle Voice;
Strengthen us with courage to
face the fears within.
O, that we might be converted in
our hearts
and walk together in peace and
Let your Love be known to the nations,
your Glory to our children's
Let the grace and gentleness of the
Holy Spirit be upon us,
guiding our feet upon the paths
of Love Consciousness
Increase the Light within us--
O Beloved, hear our prayer!
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