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Showing posts from June, 2020

60/40 Spilt Happy 13th Anniversary!

Today I celebrate my 13th Anniversary of Ordained ministry!  There are days (a lot recently with COVID 19 pandemic protocols in place) that I feel like I am new to this whole ministry gig. Then there are days when I feel like I have it mostly figured out and things are moving in the right direction. It's probably, most years, a 60/40 split of feeling in control or spiraling out. The 60/40 split flip flops almost daily sometimes hourly.  Ministry is hard and challenging and life giving and beautiful. It is sorrowful and celebratory. Up, down, praise, lament, struggle, success, regret, and celebration, sounds like the Book of Psalms. So on this 13th Anniversary of my Ordination I thought I'd share a Psalm.  O Holy One, No one told me! No one told me that I'd have to be creative but also traditional,  That I'd have to think both inside and outside the box at the same time.  O Holy One, for those times that line between people loving the minister and people turning ...

I Hope I'm Not Too Late

I am an internal processor. I am a contemplative person who needs time to think before I speak. Unless we’ve been friends for more than a year, you probably think I don’t talk very much. My silence often gets me in trouble because my silence is often interpreted that I don’t care. One group has decided that I don’t care and therefore stand, complicit, with the oppressive force. Others think my silence means I am complacent and don’t care enough to even make a comment. The problem however is that I do care, it just takes me too long to get my thoughts together and by the time I have them ready, it’s too late. But it’s not too late. It is never too late to stand up against something that is wrong. It is never to late to stand up for something you believe in. Over the past week I have done a lot of reading, a lot of observing, a lot of praying, and a lot of weeping. Reading, observing, praying, weeping… Communities of color don’t need my tears, They don’t need me to stand to the side and ...