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Showing posts from October, 2015

Something's Missing

This week seemed “off”. I couldn’t put my finger on what was not right but I just felt out of rhythm. I went through a mental check list but still wasn’t sure what was missing. It hit me on Wednesday night after a great day with fellow clergy women and a fantastic church Halloween party…I didn’t post last Saturday. It wasn’t a conscious decision not to post it simply didn’t happen. It wouldn’t be impossible to come up with a handful of excuses to why I didn’t take the time to do it. There is no excuse, I mean honestly the week before I made time to post while at the wedding reception of one of my best excuse. I asked myself a few weeks ago if I had gotten enough into the “habit” of writing while on sabbatical, I was certain I had. By not writing, even a simple prayer, my entire week was thrown off. While I was on sabbatical I “resurrected” this blog was for others, so people would know where I was, what I was doing, and what I was learning.  Now, I am not longer o...

Crazy beautiful

The work of ministry is nothing short of finding the balance between absolutely crazy and astonishingly beautiful. This week I sat beside people in hospital beds, I also spent time with children and youth discovering what it means to be a follower of Christ, and today I was blessed to perform the wedding ceremony of my of my best and oldest friends. Life- whether you are realizing that your health is fading faster than you want it too, are discovering things for the first time, or stating something new with the love of your life, is crazy and beautiful and exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time! Take time this week to embrace life whenever you find yourself on the journey!! Blessings-  Andrea :-)

Pastor Mode

The first week back was not a quiet week by all means but not the “all hell breaking loose” kind of week I had anticipated. It was as typical as any week can be in congregational ministry with the added bonus of a 300+ email inbox! I joked with several people on Sunday that I am going to go away more often because I was feeling all the love before, during, and after worship. It is truly wonderful to be back among the beautiful people of God I serve here in Oskaloosa.  Sunday I reached my hug quota times 1,000 I am sure. Monday and Tuesday launched me into deep “pastor mode” with hospital visits, staff meeting, and evening prayers with a few people. Wednesday I was quickly reminded of the amazing work our church does for and with children and youth (I also reached my hug quota without doubt) and was warmly welcomed back into the choir fold! Thursday brought meetings and sermon prep (Job 23, if you’re interested). Friday and Saturday brought both time for being with friends, fin...


My mom made this for me for my ordination June 30, 2007 Wow I can’t believe tomorrow I return to work!!  These 64 days away have brought much relaxation and renewal. They have given me the opportunity to reflect on the past 11 years of congregational ministry as well as time to discern what God has  in store  for the future. Did I do all the things I planned to do while on sabbatical? No, not really. Was I able to do some things I didn’t think were possible? Yes and I am thankful. I spent time with friends and family, which rejuvenated my soul. I spent time making new friends, who reminded me of the vastness of God’s table. I spent with God, not only in prayer but in the laughter of my nephew and niece, in hugs from friends I hadn’t seen in years, and even in the sweetness of tears as I headed West to return home last week. Of all the things I learned while on sabbatical, the most important is to make the time. Make the time for the people who are important t...