Here are the last two
paragraphs from my sermon yesterday. If you would like to read the rest of the sermon please contact me.
“Holy Week, like the 40
days of Lent, forces us into deeper reflection about who we are as children of
God, what we have done that has not been Christ like and where we might make
We don’t like to think
for very long about Jesus on the cross. The longer we focus on him being on the
cross the more we start to realize we likely would have been part of the crowd
that put him there. We are part of the crowd who put him there; we might not
know that we have shouted “crucify him” but because of our sinfulness as humans,
we have and we continue to shout it even unconsciously.
If I try to put myself
into this story- I become torn, I want to be one of the ones waving the palm
branch and shouting “Hosanna in the highest”. I want to be brave enough to pull
my sword out when the guards come to arrest Jesus. I want to be better than
Peter and not deny that I know who Jesus is. I want to be at the foot of the
cross with Mary and help carry him to the tomb…I want to do all of those
But I’m scared to death
that I wouldn't. I’m afraid that I could be one of the high priest saying “get
rid of this trouble maker before he makes us all look bad”. I’m afraid that I’ll deny him more than the 3
times Peter did. I’m scared that no matter what when the time came I would be
shouting “crucify him!”
Then I remember that
even if I would do those things- Jesus will remember me, Jesus will forgive me,
and lead me back to where I’m supposed to be.
This week, we will all
have moments where we are the spitting image of all of those who turned on
Jesus, we will also, I hope, have moments where we will wait faithfully at the
foot of the cross. I challenge you to put yourself deep into this Holy story
this Holy Week, even if it makes you uncomfortable, especially if it makes you
scared or upset. Stay with those feelings, dwell with them a little longer than
you normally would. You won’t be alone as you walk this valley. Christ walks
before you, Christ walks beside you, making the path straight. Amen.”
Sermon preached Palm Sunday March 29,2015 at First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) Oskaloosa, Iowa.
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