Picture from Churchart.com While I was in seminary I drove past the same church every day on my way to and from campus. For a short time their front marquee read “If you want a better Pastor…PRAY for the one you have.” Every time I drove past that sign I thought “duh, shouldn't people already be doing that? What a concept.” As I silently watched flipping from CNN.com to my Facebook news feed the words of that church sign scrolled through my mind: “If you want a better Pastor…Pray for the one you have.” As I read words like “great…we’re screwed!” or “I’m moving out of the country, I can’t believe this happened.” As well as things like “Take that Romney-better luck NOT next time.” or “4 more years to ‘shut the other guys’ up- GO OBAMA!” (These are all paraphrased as not to call anyone out) . In a country that seemingly prides itself on being Christian, can you tell me where in those statements Christ can be found? If when you w...
Faith can be a scary adventure. We must be willing to get our feet wet and our hands dirty! Braving the waters of baptism and ministry isn't something you can do with one foot on the shore!