Picture from churchart.com
Sometimes but not always we need to let our brains shut out the stresses of life. I say sometimes but not always because never letting yourself become at least a little stressed is just as bad as being overly stressed all the time (at least in my book).
Sometimes we need to take a step back. Sometimes we need to turn off our phones, our computers, and our television sets and just be. Sometimes we need to walk away. Sometimes we need to not think or plan or do but we just need to be.
Now “just being” can sometimes but not always be just as stressful as all the stresses of life. Our mind wonders back to the things we shut off. We want to look at the text messages and phone calls we are ignoring, the Facebook updates we have missed, and the ridiculous commercials and reality TV we miss when we shut off and disconnect. We don’t want to just look at them we also want to respond.
Sometimes not always maybe the world doesn’t need to hear/read what we have to say. Sometimes not always maybe we should be more intentional in telling people we need to disengage for a while, because then they won’t be so concerned when it takes us longer than 30seconds to respond to them.
Sometimes…we HAVE to be still.
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