I know it is inevitable that before the end of this month (if not already) there will be Christmas items in every store across the country and around the world. This upcoming season is my favorite and least favorite. It is my favorite because without the birth of Christ, it is virtually impossible to preach His gospel (so it is my favorite because without this part of the story we can’t get to the other part of the story-which is an entirely different blog)! It is my least favorite because so many have left Jesus in the manger as part of a pretty picture and not taken him into the rest of this Holy Day. I know I have blogged about this before- read last year’s blog posted "Grinch or Gospel" . Too often I think we lack the courage and conviction to stand up for who we are as children of God. Courage by definition is “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.” Before we even enter into the “Hectic Hol...
Faith can be a scary adventure. We must be willing to get our feet wet and our hands dirty! Braving the waters of baptism and ministry isn't something you can do with one foot on the shore!